"You are more important than anyone else. Start focusing on you and you will be much happier than you were."

such are the liberating thoughts of the runner-up, Ms. India Wheelchair 2014, VIRALI MODI.

Declared 3 times dead by the doctors in Pennsylvania, USA after suffering a dreadful operation, She is the perfect Idol for how to keep hope even in the hardest times. Situations were never in her favor, but her courage turned the way and she reached limits to sky. She delivered an inspiring TED talk in GLAU, to clear out the stigma around disability.

Confidence is the jewel she carries and which is the ultimate reason for her to rise from a position where coming back is surely unimaginable. Not only is she living, but Virali’s effort to make railways more accessible has landed her in the top 100 women in BBC for 2017. Team PRERNA feels more than delightful to meet such an extravagant personality.